Installing on a Device

  1. Ensure that your device is connected to the MountVernon-Main wireless network
  2. Ensure that the TV is powered on and set to the correct input of the Vivi device
  3. Download the Vivi application here
  4. Install the downloaded software package then open it when done
  5. When prompted for the name of the organization, enter mountvernonschool and choose the found result from the list
  6. On the next page, click "Log In"
  7. When prompted for a login, enter your School Email and your Single Sign-On Password
  8. When ready to display:
    1. Open the Vivi application
    2. Choose a location that contains the room that you want to display to
    3. On the next page, choose the room that you want to display to
    4. When prompted for a Room Code, enter the code that is displayed on the TV that contains the Vivi device
    5. You now have access to the controls of the mirroring device